Participants of the project are
- General Hospital Požarevac (Republic of Serbia), as a leading partner,
General HospitalPozarevac was appointed as the Lead beneficiary in this project because it has excellent cross-border partnership history and it is also one of the rare healthcare institutions in the region that successfully completed an infrastructure project in a framework of a cross-border project in the previous calls.
The range and the variety of the services provided by the General Hospital in Pozarevac have been increasing from year to year.
The hospital uses the most modern treatment methods such as laparoscopic surgery, implanting hip end prosthesis, implanting lenses, as well as endoscopy, ultrasound diagnostics, CT,etc.
- Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia
The MoH is the main authority in the country responsible for healthcare management and development.
The Ministry of Health had been implementing various national cancer screening and prevention programs in the country.
The Ministry of Health joined this project initiative as partner to strengthen the strategic character of project outcomes, build on the achieved results and transfer their effects to improve healthcare in the entire country.
The main benefit recognized by MoH is that participation in this project is opening the possibility to improve conditions in healthcare in the programme area and beyond.
- Emergency Clinical County Hospital „Pius Branzeu” Timisoara
Center for Gene and Cellular Therapies in the Treatment of Cancer (OncoGen) is a research center of Emergency Clinical County Hospital „Pius Branzeu” Timisoara.
The mission of the OncoGen center is to develop advanced methods for the diagnosis and therapy of cancer and chronic degenerative diseases with high morbidity and limited therapeutic options.
- County Emergency Hospital Resita